Embedded (1) General (3) Programming (2) ai (8) developing (1) embedded (1) engineering (6) first-principles (5) project (2) system_thinking (1)

 Embedded (1)

Data overflow, data starvation and how to solve this problem

 General (3)

Requirmeents in engineering flow design.
Compariosn between Research on literature review from ChatGPT Vs swarm of agents
Model Based Design

 Programming (2)

Llm for software development
Data overflow, data starvation and how to solve this problem

 ai (8)

Traffic Sign Classifer
Behaviorial Cloning
Llm for software development
Agents deep down
Current AI state and future
Current AI Challenges
AI Precision 64 Vs 8 bit

 developing (1)

Llm for software development

 embedded (1)

AI Precision 64 Vs 8 bit

 engineering (6)

Obsidian test
Best Practices for Productionizing Code
Software in couple minutes and hardware in couple of hours
Friction in moving bodies
Materials and their properties
Physics based Vs Data driven model

 first-principles (5)

Recursive self improvements in AI
Self correcting mechanisums of life
Tesla Vs other automotive OEM comparision
Technology convergence
Linear Vs Exponential growth

 project (2)

Traffic Sign Classifer
Behaviorial Cloning

 system_thinking (1)

Bounded rationality in system