This is project I did on Behavioral Cloning for Autonomous Driving Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) if you are interested in code its here Project github repo.

📝 Project Overview

Behavioral cloning is an approach in deep learning where a neural network learns to mimic human behavior—in this case, driving a car based on visual inputs. This project leverages LeNet Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architecture to predict steering angles using images captured from a front-facing camera of a self-driving car.

📌 Goal: Train a CNN to predict steering angles from road images.
📌 Tech Stack: KerasTensorFlowPythonOpenCV
📌 Data: ~4825 images from a simulated environment.

📸  Training data

I used all 3 camera images to train my model. I changed steering angle correction factor from 0.2 to 0.4 which showed lot improvement in driving. While recording data I tried to keep car in middle of road. I let the car drift to the edge of the road and recover before a crash occurs. I took 2 laps of center lane and one lap of track from opposite direction. I got around 4825 data points for training my model.

Center view Left view Right view
alt_text-1 alt_text-2 alt_text-3

🏗 Project Architecture

Project’s workflow:

graph TD A[Data Collection] --> B[Preprocessing] B --> C[Data Augmentation] C --> D[CNN Model] D --> E[Training with Adam Optimizer] E --> F[Evaluation & Validation] F --> G[Autonomous Driving Test] G -->|Success| H[Model Deployment] G -->|Failure| E[Re-train Model]

📊 Key Components & Features

🔹 Component 🔍 Details
📸 Data Collection 3 Camera views (Left, Center, Right) to improve robustness.
✂ Preprocessing Cropping sky & hood, normalizing pixel values.
🎭 Data Augmentation Flipping, brightness adjustment, adding shadows.
🏗 Model Architecture CNN → 6 Conv layers + 4 Fully Connected layers.
🛠 Training Strategy Optimizer: Adam Loss Function: MSE
🔄 Overfitting Reduction Dropout layers, pooling, increased dataset.
🏁 Final Model Performance Successfully completed lap without drifting!

🏗 LeNet CNN Model Architecture

graph TD A[Input Image 160x320x3] --> B[Lambda Layer - Normalization] B --> C[Cropping Layer - Remove sky & hood] C --> D[Conv Layer 5x5 - 24 filters, RELU] D --> E[Conv Layer 5x5 - 36 filters, RELU] E --> F[Conv Layer 5x5 - 48 filters, RELU] F --> G[Conv Layer 3x3 - 64 filters, RELU] G --> H[Conv Layer 3x3 - 64 filters, RELU] H --> I[Flatten] I --> J[Fully Connected - 100 neurons, RELU] J --> K[Fully Connected - 50 neurons, RELU] K --> L[Fully Connected - 10 neurons, RELU] L --> M[Output - Steering Angle]

📈 Model Training & Performance

🔹 Training Set Size ⚠ MSE Loss 🚗 Performance
2048 images ❌ High Drifts off track
4825 images ✅ Lower Completes lap 🚀

🏁 Final Results

✅ Model successfully drives autonomously without manual intervention.
✅ Improved performance using data augmentation + dropout layers.
✅ MSE Loss reduced significantly with more training data.

🚀 Key Observations

1️⃣ Small Dataset (2048 samples) • 📉 Training Loss drops significantly but quickly → Overfitting risk! 🚨 • 📈 Validation Loss remains flat or slightly increases → Poor generalization

2️⃣ Large Dataset (4825 samples) • 📉 Training Loss decreases steadily • 📉 Validation Loss also decreases → Better generalization 🏆

Training & Validation Loss converge more smoothly → Less overfitting

MSE with small data MSE with Large data (Final solution)
MSE with small data MSE with large data

📌 What these results mean

Overfitting Reduction – Increasing data reduced the training-validation gapBetter Generalization – Validation loss decreased, meaning it performs well on unseen data ✅ Final Model Stability – Training and validation loss align, meaning the model is learning correctlyPerformance Boost – Initial validation loss ~0.06, final validation loss ~0.045 → ~25% improvement! 📉

🔮 Next Steps

🔹 Test on real-world driving datasets 🚗
🔹 Optimize with Reinforcement Learning 🤖
🔹 Deploy on Embedded Hardware (Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi)